Miracle On St David’s Day by Gillian Clarke

‘They flash upon that inward eye
which is the bliss of solitude

from ‘The Daffodils’ by William Wordsworth
 An afternoon yellow and open-mouthed
with daffodils. The sun treads the path
among cedars and enormous oaks.
It might be a country house, guests strolling,
the rumps of gardeners between nursery shrubs.

I am reading poetry to the insane.
An old woman, interrupting, offers
as many buckets of coal as I need.
A beautiful chestnut-haired boy listens
entirely absorbed. A schizophrenic

on a good day, they tell me later.
In a cage of first March sun a woman
sits not listening, not feeling.
In her neat clothes the woman is absent.
A big, mild man is tenderly led

to his chair. He has never spoken.
His labourer’s hands on his knees, he rocks
gently to the rhythms of the poems.
I read to their presences, absences,
to the big, dumb labouring man as he rocks.

He is suddenly standing, silently,
huge and mild, but I feel afraid. Like slow
movement of spring water or the first bird
of the year in the breaking darkness,
the labourer’s voice recites ‘The Daffodils’.

The nurses are frozen, alert; the patients
seem to listen. He is hoarse but word-perfect.
Outside the daffodils are still as wax,
a thousand, ten thousand, their syllables
unspoken, their creams and yellows still.

Forty years ago, in a Valleys school,
the class recited poetry by rote.
Since the dumbness of misery fell
he has remembered there was a music
of speech and that once he had something to say.

When he’s done, before the applause, we observe
the flowers’ silence. A thrush sings
and the daffodils are flame.

By Gillian Clarke
from Letter from a Far Country (1982)

Gillian Clarke discussing and then reciting her poem ‘Miracle on St David’s Day’

Gillian remarks on her site: “All you need to know about this poem is that it is a true story. It happened in the ’70s, and it took me years to find a way to write the poem.

Зимнее небо (Winter Sky) by Boris Pasternak

Out of the smoky air now are plucked down
Stars for the past week frozen in flight.
Head over heels reels the skaters' club,
Clinking its rink with the glass of the night.

Slower, slower, skater, step slow-er,
Cutting the curve as you swerve by.
Every turn a constellation
Scraped by the skate into Norway's sky.

Fetters of frozen iron shackle the air.
Hey, skaters! There it's all the same
That night is on earth with its ivory eyes
Snake-patterned like a domino game;

That the moon, like a numb retriever's tongue,
Is freezing to bars as tight as a vice;
That mouths, like forgers' mouths, are filled
Brim-full with lava of breathtaking ice.

By Бори́с Леони́дович Пастерна́к
(Boris Leonidovich Pasternak)
(1914-1916 )
translated by Jon Stallworthy and Peter France

Below is the original Russin version in Cyrillic

 Зимнее небо

Цeльнoю льдинoй из дымнoсти вынутa
Стaвший с нeдeлю звeздный пoтoк.
Клуб кoнькoбeжцeв ввepxу oпpoкинут:
Чoкaeтся сo звoнкoю нoчью кaтoк.

Peжe-peжe-pe-жe ступaй, кoнькoбeжeц,
В бeгe ссeкaя шaг свысoкa.
Нa пoвopoтe сoзвeздьeм вpeжeтся
В нeбo нopвeгии скpeжeт кoнькa.

Вoздуx oкoвaн мepзлым жeлeзoм.
O кoнькoбeжцы! Тaм - всe paвнo,
Чтo, кaк глaзa сo змeиным paзpeзoм,
Нoчь нa зeмлe, и кaк кoсть дoминo;

Чтo языкoм oбoмлeвшeй лeгaвoй
Мeсяц к сeбe пpимepзaeт; чтo pты,
Кaк у фaльшивoмoнeтчикoв, - лaвoй
Дуx зaxвaтившeгo льдa нaлиты.

At The Memorial by Emyr Humphreys

We remember wartime


The leaves were red




Were broken

And skies were tight.


Singers in uniform

Were frozen

Stony men

Were children




Cracked burst buckled

Nothing was

The Target


The Retreat.


We managed

The living the key workers

The throats of loyal trumpets

The minds of washed out cockpits

Our prayers were pistons

We managed

Our leaders in bunkers


As indestructable as rats

The tongues and necks

Of true survivors


In one cold wood

A headless boy

Still walks

A thin man prays

In his own blood

The dead

On every side

Wait to be counted




In old blood


Old wars

Are not doors

They are the walls

Of empty tombs

Bowed to

At stated times

By true survivors

Only dreams

Have hinges.


by Emyr Humphreys

Fun fact: He registered as a conscientious objector in the Second World War, working on a farm, and later doing relief work in Egypt and Italy. After the war he worked as a teacher, as a radio producer at the BBC and later became a lecturer in drama at Bangor University.

Disney Favourite Friends: Sticker Collection

If you see these packet in shops they’ll only say ‘DISNEY’ on the front but ‘Disney Favourite Friends’ is the official name of this sticker collection featuring a selection of Disney and Disney Pixar characters.


£0.60 per pack

5 stickers per pack.


Stickers in the packet I got:

  • 40: Finding Nemo: A full body portrait of Mr Ray the Manta-ray smiling. A stock promotional image of him. The central sticker has no border but as you can see in the photo you can use the boarder if you want to use this sticker in isolation rather than place it in the album.
  • 67: Alladin: Gold foil sticker of Princess Jasmine with Apu and the Genie’s lamp
  • 159: Frozen: The bottom half of a two-part image of Olaf, Sven and Kristoff
  • 175: Frozen: The top half of a two-part image of Anna, Sven and…??? I assume from the slight bits seen of body parts it includes Elsa, Olaf and Kristoff.
  • 180: Frozen: The bottom right corner of a four-part image of Elsa, Olaf and… ??? I’ve no idea who or what is in the rest of the larger image.



The stickers are the standard size of 76x55mm. They’ve mostly gone with painted, original, artwork so there’s definitely value in the images themselves for Disney fans and all the printwork is relatively high quality on close inspection.

Apparently there are brand new “scannable stickers” but the packet I bought didn’t have one and there’s special gold, silver and 3D stickers to look out for. The Jasmine sticker above is an example of one of the golden foil stickers.

The price averaging out at £0.12 per sticker I’m not happy with to be honest considering the number of ‘section of a multi-part image’ stickers in the packet. I was fortunate enough with the ones I got that they have enough of a character on them you can just about get away with them being used alone though it’s clear they’re meant to be part of a larger image.

On the backing paper are various characters with Belle and Aurora being the standard image for the landscape stickers while the profile stickers having different characters. The cover of each pack has different characters – I got one with Mickey and Minnie Mouse but there were others with Olaf or other characters.

If you are a big fan of Disney these are definitely worth checking out. If you only like certain series it is very pot luck. The one major downside, aside from the low number of stickers for the price, is that you’ll most likely get parts of various multi-part images and that is very annoying as I’ve found with other series I’ve reviewed in the past.

Made and published in Italy by PANINI S.p.A.

Viale Emilio, Po 380, 41126 Modena


FSC C115044 MIX Paper

Disney’s Frozen: Olaf’s Frozen Adventure Collectable Stickers

Printed by Panini.

Price: £0.50 for a packet of 5 stickers.

Stickers in the packet:


47 – A screen grab of Olaf and three white-haired children looking up an unlit fireplace chimney.

74 – Left half of a two-part image featuring a complete screen grab image of Elsa.

124 – a pair of vector art generic white on matt kharki-gold snowflake images (a two for one ‘sticker’).


142 – A drawn illustration of Anna featuring glitter covered silhouettes of goats and a glittery border.


173 – Bottom Left corner of a larger illustration image featuring the lower part of Elsa using her powers.


I usually look for the good in these packets of stickers but this was a rip off. Only 5 stickers per pack is ridiculous for basic stickers no matter how good the quality of the print is (I would expect at least a shiny/hologram sticker included per pack to justify the price). The full body sticker of Anna was nice (maybe this one with a small amount of glitter is the ‘special sticker’ per pack often seen in other ranges?) and I like the illustration style but otherwise the stickers feature screen grabs and the generic snowflakes vector art ‘two for one’ sticker which you could easily get in bulk from other seasonal decorative sticker ranges.

I was either unfortunate with the single packet I got or there is an over reliance on multiple part images in the sticker album thus ensuring you constantly buy more to chase for the missing pieces. Just go get a pack of stickers you can see the contents of if you want something from Frozen. There’s not much to add… the packet was rubbish hence why it took me so long to get around to reviewing it months after I actually bought the pack when everyone has probably already forgotten it existed.
